Find out if you may be part of the IVC settlement.
It is estimated that 40% of all IVC filters will fracture within 5.5 years of being implanted. Complications include:
- IVC filter fragments lodging in blood vessels or perforating heart, lung, vena cava, or other organs
- IVC filter fragments migrating to the heart or brain and causing a stroke or heart attack
- IVC filters causing hemmorhage
- IVC filters shifting position and losing function, or interfering with other bodily functions
Contact us now for more information about your rights.
With at least 27 deaths and 300 injuries linked to flaws in their IVC filters, it is alledged that manufacturer Bard knew of the risks and failed to recall the product.
You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one experienced any of the following:
- IVC filter fracture
- Organ injury, puncture, or hemmorrhage
- Death
There is limited time to file your claim – don’t delay!
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One of our attorneys will review your case and respond to you within 24 hours.
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